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Ysgol Carrog


Sports Ambassadors of Ysgol Carrog

For every young person to be hooked on sport is an aspira-

tion for Ysgol Carrog. To achieve this it is crucial that a

young person centred approach is adopted. This approach

will empower young people to make their own decisions

through consultation, leadership and ownership.

These leaders are involved with the school curriculum (PE

and wider), extra-curricular activities and within clubs in the


They encourage other pupils to lead an active and healthy

lifestyle and promote the benefits of this in their school life.

Our young ambassadors will develop;

• Leadership skills

• Communication skills – presentations,

public speaking, written

• Working as part of a team

• Confidence

• Problem solving

• Opportunities - to meet new people, take on new roles, in-

spire others, have their say

• Be part of a project which inspires and motivates others

Super Ambassadors

Two ambassadors are elected from KS2 and hold the posi-

tion for one year. They work with the KS2 teacher on special

missions set by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales,

Sally Holland. Their job is also to inform and highlight

UNICEFS children’s right within the whole school commu-

nity, they do this by holding assemblies and setting learning

log challenges. They display all their achievements on a

board they are responsible for in the shared area.

More information can be found at :


We are excited  to be working  with you



Sports Ambassadors of Ysgol


For every young person to be hooked on

sport is an aspiration for Ysgol Carrog. To

achieve this it is crucial that a young per-

son centred approach is adopted. This

approach will empower young people to

make their own decisions through con-

sultation, leadership and ownership.

These leaders are involved with the

school curriculum (PE and wider), extra-

curricular activities and within clubs in

the communities.

They encourage other pupils to lead an

active and healthy lifestyle and promote

the benefits of this in their school life.

Our young ambassadors will develop;

• Leadership skills

• Communication skills – presentations,

public speaking, written

• Working as part of a team

• Confidence

• Problem solving

• Opportunities - to meet new people,

take on new roles, inspire others, have

their say

• Be part of a project which inspires and

motivates others

Super Ambassadors

Two ambassadors are elected from KS2 and hold the posi-

tion for one year. They work with the KS2 teacher on special

missions set by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales,

Sally Holland. Their job is also to inform and highlight

UNICEFS children’s right within the whole school commu-

nity, they do this by holding assemblies and setting learning

log challenges. They display all their achievements on a

board they are responsible for in the shared area.

More information can be found at :


Ysgol Carrog © 2025               Privacy Notice              Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
We are excited  to be working  with you