Welcome to
Choosing a new school is an important
decision and I hope that information pro-
vided on this website will help you to un-
derstand more about life at Ysgol Carrog
and what our school can offer your child.
Our school believes in fostering a happy
and hardworking atmosphere based on
good relationships between children and
staff. We constantly strive to create a
school environment that is caring and sta-
ble. Our school mission statement is;
‘Learning today for a better
Our main aim is to provide a caring,
friendly and stimulating environment
where each child is treated as an individ-
ual and actively encouraged to do the
best that he/she can, socially, morally and
academically. For this to occur there must
be a true partnership between teachers,
parents and pupils. The school belongs to
all of us.
The needs of every individual child is met
by work, planned at the level which best
suits the ability of the child. This we en-
deavour to do within the framework of
the National Curriculum and Foundation
The staff in our school are dedicated to
raising standards in all areas of the cur-
riculum. We place a strong emphasis on
basic skills (literacy, numeracy and infor-
mation technology) and learning to learn.
To conclude, we plan to make your child’s
years in our care, happy, memorable and
rewarding. We hope that the supportive
links between home and school will
thrive and we look forward to a long and
happy liaison.
Mrs. J Davies
On behalf of all the Governors of Ysgol
Carrog, I would like to take this opportu-
nity to welcome you to our school.
Ysgol Carrog offers a warm, friendly, fun
and inspirational learning environment for
all our children from Nursery to Year 6.
We have high expectations of every pupil
based upon them as an individual. We
have also developed a strong community
ethos and pupil voice. Pupils are encour-
aged to try their best and to succeed.
They are also encouraged to develop into
responsible, caring young people that dis-
play good manners and appropriate be-
haviour within the school and within the
wider community.
The staff in our school are exceptionally
dedicated and provide a high standard of
education. The staff undergo regular
training to ensure they are fully up to date
with latest initiatives in order to support
the pupils to the highest standard.
I hope you enjoy browsing our website
and find the information useful, relevant
and interesting. Please feel free to con-
tact school if you would like more infor-
mation or to arrange a visit to see our
school in action and our busy pupils at
Finally, to conclude, all our staff and
Governors are very approachable to all,
encouraging children and parents to be
actively involved in ensuring that our
school is a success.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Gordon Hughes
Chair of Governor